JAMES L. HAWKS, farmer; P. O. Easton; was born in Green Co., Ky., Nov. 25. 1823, and moved to Mason Co. III., in the fall of 1849. At the age of 16 years, with his father went down the Ohio and Mississippi River to market, with two flatboats loaded with tobacco; on their return, his father w«s stricken with fever, and died within sixty miles of home. At the age of 19, he entered his uncle's store in Adair Co., Ky., as clerk, and remained between eight and nine years; he then invested all his means in company with a horse buyor, and bought a drove of horses to sell in Mississippi, but was left by his partner with only $80 in money and two horses. He had a sister living in Mason Co., III., where he decided to go and engage in farming, and has since remained. He reached Crane Creek Township in the fall of 1849. Feb. 25, 1852, he married Abigail Bale; her father, Solomon Bale, was one among the first settlers of this township; she was born Nov. 29, 1832, in Green Co., Ky. They have ten children: Mary E., born Dec. 3, 1852 ; Nancy R., Dec. 13, 1854; William H., Oct. 12. 1856; James K., Nov. 18, 1858; Sophia, Feb. 3, 1861; Fielding T., Aug. 18, 1863; Solomon L., Jan, 21, 1866; George A., May 1, 1868; John C., Feb. 19. 1871 ; Ella M., May 7, 1873. The two oldest daughters and the oldest son are married ; the rest are at home with their parents. Mr. Hawks has been School Treasurer over twenty years, and was the first Supervisor elected after the organization of Crane Creek Township; has served twelve years off and on, and was re-elected last April. He owns 710 acres in the township. Is a member of the Baptist Church.